
ECU unites experts with a combined experience of more than 500 years in energy on Ukrainian and international markets. We are driven by the vision of establishing a leading energy trading platform that embodies the best European energy trading practices, cutting-edge solutions, and corporate culture. If you resonate with our values and aspirations, we warmly invite you to submit your resume!

Open Vacancies

Уповноважений з антикорупційної діяльності

Розробка проекту антикорупційної програми/внесення змін до антикорупційної програми, реалізація заходів, визначених антикорупційною програмою, контроль впровадження антикорупційних стандартів i процедур, визначених антикорупційною програмою...

Why Join Our Team?

JSC "Energy Company of Ukraine" (ECU) is a national energy trading company offering comprehensive solutions for the purchase, sale, and management of energy resources to clients in Ukraine and Europe. The company is 100% state-owned.

In 2023, ECU ranked among the top five largest electricity traders in Ukraine, with clients generating 10% of Ukraine's GDP. The economic impact of ECU's operations for the state and state-owned enterprises has exceeded 2 billion UAH.

How to Apply

To become part of our team, please send your resume to will reach out to you if new opportunities arise that align with your skills and interests.