Import. Export
ECU is the second-largest importer of electricity to Ukraine. The company has contracts with leading energy traders in the EU, the proper trading infrastructure, and a team with extensive experience in cross-border trade
Targeted Electricity Import
In the event of a shortage of electricity in Ukraine, and potential restrictions on its commercial import due to high electricity prices in Europe, the government has established a mechanism for targeted electricity import. Through this mechanism, enterprises can sign contracts to purchase imported electricity, reducing the duration of planned outages and ensuring the stability of their operations.
To utilize this privilege, the amount of imported electricity consumed by the enterprise must be at least 80% in each billing hour.
Протягом зимових місяців ЕКУ імпортувала електроенергію для своїх клієнтів за процедурою гарантованого постачання, тож має досвід практичного використання цього механізму і готова надавати відповідні послуги своїм клієнтам.
Commercial Import and Export of Electricity
ECU is a leading player in the commercial import and export of electricity. Specifically, the company ranks among the top two importers of electricity from the EU, sourcing it from four countries – Hungary, Slovakia, Romania, and Poland.
When there is a surplus of electricity in the system, ECU exports this surplus, helping to balance the system while generating additional revenue for the state and state-owned enterprises.
ECU collaborates with prominent European trading companies in cross-border trade and is eager to explore partnerships with new collaborators across Europe.
Become a Client
+380 95 120 27 71 or fill out the form, and we will help you eliminate energy needs, so as to ensure your reserve life during blackouts, and bring maximum income.