Green Electricity Off-Take
and Optimization of Imbalances
ECU offers a range of services for renewable energy producers, enabling profitable and seamless operations in the electricity market. ECU's comprehensive proposal includes 100% off-take of green electricity and efficient optimization of imbalances
ECU's comprehensive proposal includes:
Guaranteed off-take of 100% green electricity
According to the forecast schedule and market price (within the Power Purchase Agreement, PPA)
Full and timely payment for purchased electricity
Settlements occur a day before the supply
Optimization of electricity imbalances within the ECU balancing group
The optimized volume of electricity imbalances is paid at market prices in the shortest possible time
Quick start of cooperation
The process of preparing to conclude an agreement takes an average of one week
Turnkey client service
У ВЕС, СЕС і виробників електроенергії із біопалива та біомаси Green energy producers no longer need to establish their own trading divisions
Advantages of Cooperation with ECU:
Extensive expertise in renewable energy
ECU is among the top two green energy traders in Ukraine. The company is an active member of the Ukrainian Wind Energy Association, which represents 100% of wind farms in Ukraine
Competitive conditions of cooperation
The company offers favorable prices and other conditions of cooperation, thanks to high-quality management of trading and portfolio positions
Fully state-owned, the company meets all its obligations, ensuring dependable service
Trading IT Infrastructure
Enables high-quality 24/7 operations management
Top Team
ECU unites experts with a combined experience of more than 500 years in energy on Ukrainian and international markets
Service Support
Providing clients with high-quality market analytics that empower them to better manage their energy consumption and procurement
Prerequisites for Operations on the Free Electricity Market
Producers of electricity from renewable sources, who sell electricity at the feed-in tariff, have long faced delays and incomplete payments. To address this issue, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has enacted several legislative changes.
These changes provide green energy producers with an alternative way of operating to avoid further debt accumulation. Specifically, solar, wind, and other "green" stations can leave the balancing group of the Guaranteed Buyer and start operating on the free electricity market under the same conditions as other producers. This approach allows renewable energy producers to sell their electricity on the open market at competitive prices.
When switching to the new operational model, green energy producers face no risks. They can return to the balancing group of the Guaranteed Buyer within six months and resume selling generated electricity at the feed-in tariff.
Become a Client
+380 95 120 27 71 or fill out the form, and we will help you eliminate energy needs, so as to ensure your reserve life during blackouts, and bring maximum income.